Dr. Jun-Jian Wang obtained his doctoral degree in Plant and Environmental Sciences at Clemson University and had his postdoc training in environmental chemistry at the Environmental NMR Centre, University of Toronto. He is dedicated to develop and apply the cutting-edge and molecular-level analyses of natural organic matter and pollutants to study the critical impacts of global change and anthropogenic disturbance on the carbon cylcing and environmental quality. He has actively participated in research projects funded by national agencies of China, United States, and Canada. He published more than 60 papers on top-tier journals including Nature Communications, New Phytologist, Environmental Science & Technology, and Water Research. He is serving as an associate editor of the Journal of Environmental Quality and on the editorial boards of the Frontier in Soil Science, Chinese Chemical Letters, and Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment. He has also served as an international reviewer for National Science Foundation (US) and France National Research Agency (ANR) proposals and journal reviewer for more than 30 SCI journals.