Brief CV of HUANG Zhan-bin
l HUANG Zhanbin: Born on March,7,1961 in Shaanxi Province, China
l 1979-1983: Studied at Biology Department of Northwestern University;
l 1994-1997: Ph.D. degree on Ecology in Shengyang Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Liaoning China, got three excellent awards of the Director’s Scholarship by CAS
2, Area of Interest:
(1). Environmental materials for soil improving and the pollution control
(2) Agricultural environmental ecology and physio-ecology of plants
(3) Chemical technology on water and fertilizer saving
(4) Soil and water conservation and ecological regeneration in mine area
3, Position, Work experience and international visit:
2003-present Professor and supervisor of Ph.D., Director of Institute of Ecological Materials for Soil Remediation, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing, China; Also as Research professor in Key laboratory of soil erosion and dryland farming on Loess Plateau, ISWC, Yangling, Shaanxi, China
1998-2003: Research professor and supervisor of M.Sc. Head of Department of Science and Technology, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Yangling, Shaanxi, China
1994-1998 Associate professor and supervisor of M.Sc., deputy Head of Department of Science and Technology, ISWC, CAS, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
1983-1994: Deputy Head of Crop Ecology Department, Research Assistant,Assistant Researcher, ISWC, CAS, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
2016-present, Journal of Science of soil and Water Conservation in China,subeditor,
2012-present ,Journal of Humic acid,sub-editor
2017-present, Director general of social organization, Zhongguancun Zhongxin Soil Restoration Industry Technology Innovation Alliance
2016-present, Deputy Director of the Ecological Restoration Commission of the Chinese Society for Sand Control and Sandy Industry
2014-present, Member of the pollution Committee of the Chinese Ecological Society
2014-present, Director, China Humic Acid Association
2014.11.3-12.02:as a senior scientist supported by CSC, visit Ottawa University
2011.12-2012.3:as a scientist supported by CSC, visit Purdue University
2010.10.26-11.8:as a scientist visit Olive Institute, Ministry of Agriculture of Turkey, and also visited Ege University and Adnan Menderes University Turkey
2007.10: Visit Tottori University in Japan, and participating in the 8th conference: east and southeast Asian federation of soil science (ESAFS8).
2003.11: Participating Environmental Management Course in Venice international university
2001.01-08: visit and work in Institute of Land and Food Resources, the University of Melbourne, in Australia
1995.11-1996.02: Participant in “Advanced International Course on Irrigation and Soil Management”, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, ARO, Ministry of Agricultural, Volcani Center Israel.
1998.7-1999.02: As a scientist visit and work in Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, ARO, Ministry of Agricultural, Volcani Center, Israel.
4, Grant:
Finished research more 40 projects or grants, and controlling 4 grants presently. Edited and associated edited 7 books, published over 230 papers in journals.
Major Grants :
2016.1-2019.12: head of project from the National Natural Science Fund, Study on the Mechanism of Polymeric Water retaining Agent on soil moisture and Fertilizer retention and heavy Metal curing,41571303,
2015-2019: Head of National support planning project,Research and demonstration on Safety Utilization Technology of heavy Metals over Standard farmland, 2015BAD05B00
2015-2017: The Three Gorges(Sanxia) Office of the State Ministry of Finance, Application Technology of Nano-carbon Fertilizer and its Environmental effect Evaluation, 2015HXKY2-4
2011-2014: Head of National 12th Five-Year support Project contract Task, soil improvement Technology Test and demonstration of abandoned Land and Mining area Restoration, 2012BAC09B03
2010-2012: Head of project from National Nature Science Fund, The effect of super absorbent polymer on fertilizer and water conservation of soil and drought resistance & water saving of plant (40971164)
2010-2011: Head of project from Fund of State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming. Effect on water and fertilizer conservation and plant growth of super polymer absorbent (10501-258)
2006-2010: Head of project from National Program on high technology research and development plan (863 plan), mutl-function water saving agent with environmental protection(2006AA100215)
More than 230 paper publicated in journal or proceeding on science and technology. More than 8 books printed by some presses
(1) Huang Zhanbin major edited, 2005, Applied Principles and Technology of Superabsorbent in Agriculture, China Agricultural Press of Science and Technology.
(2) Huang Zhanbin,Li Fangze.Research Progress of Environmental Materials on Solidification and Stabilization of Heavy Metals in Soil[J].MATERIALS CHINA,2017,(11):021-25.(EI)
(3) Shiwei Zhang,Qiding Zhong,Daobing Wang,Zhanbin Huang, Guohui Li. Measurement of the 15N/14N ratio of phenylalanine in fermentation matrix by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Biotechnol Lett., 2017,10. DOI 10.1007/s10529-017-2387-1 (SCI)
(4) Pengyi Lv, Jinxue Luo, Xuliang Zhuang, Dongqing Zhang , Zhanbin Huang, Zhihui Bai. Diversity of culturable aerobic denitrifying bacteria in the sediment, water and biofilms in Liangshui River of Beijing, China. Scientific Reports 2017/7: 10032 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09556-9 (SCI)
(5) Yu Shi , Zhanbin Huang, Xiujie Liu, Suheryani Imran,Licheng Peng, Rongji Dai, Yulin Deng. Environmental materials for remediation of soils contaminated with lead and cadmium using maize (Zea mays L.)growth as a bioindicator. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH s (2016) 23:6168–6178 (SCI)
(6) Huang Zhanbin,Sun Pengcheng, Zhong Jian,Chen Yufei.The Application of Super Absorbent Polymer in Water & Fertilizer Conversation and the Pollution Managemen[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, .2016,32 (l):125-131 (in Chinese with English abstract) [EI]
(7) HUANG Zhanbin,LIU Luhan ,ZHI Dan ,CHEN Shanshan,SUN Pengcheng. The Application of Super Absorbent Polymer on Soil Water and Fertilizer Conservation and Pollution Management. Canadian International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1, January 2015, P145-153 EI
(8) HUANG Zhanbin,LIU Luhan ,ZHI Dan ,CHEN Shanshan,SUN Pengcheng. The Application of Super Absorbent Polymer on Soil Water and Fertilizer Conservation and Pollution Management. Canadian International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1, January 2015, P145-153 EI
(9) Zhanbin Huang, Liu Luhan, Li Wunan, Liu Entong, Sun Yuxuan, Hu Xingan. Evaluation the effect of SFO on plant growth and soil properties in deicing agent contaminated soil[J]. Advanced Materials Research ,2013 Volumes 807 - 809: 1311-1317 (EI)
(10) Liu Min,Potvin Gabriel,Gan Yiru,Zhanbin Huang,Zisheng Zhang,Medium Optimization for the Production of Phytase by Recombinant Pichia pastoris Grown on Glycerol,International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2011,v9, Article A86 (EI)
More than 10 national or province prize for Scientific and technological Progress.
(1) In 2010, National second Prize for Scientific and technological Progress, Technology and Application of Cascade Comprehensive Utilization of inferior Coal with Rich Humic Acid, 6th.
In 2017, Beijing Science and Technology Award 1st Degree, Research and Application of key techniques for Irrigation with reclaimed Water in Agroforestry Green Spacec. 11th
7, aSter and ph.d student’s
Master degree:67, in whom52 had graduated
Ph.D dgree:17, in whom12 had graduated
8, Address:
School of chemical and environmental engineering
China University of Mining and Technology--Beijing
Ding No.11, Xueyuan road, Haidian district, Beijing, CHINA
Zip: 100083
Tel: +86-10-82376357(O) 18911005280(M)