CAI Peng
Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry
Dr. Peng Cai is a full Professor (Dec 2013 - present) in the College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), China. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Soil Biochemistry from HZAU in 2007. Since he joined HZAU in July 2007, his research has focused on 1) interactions mechanism among soil minerals, organic matter and microorganisms, 2) soil biofilm formation, spatial structure and ecological functions, 3) remediation of soils contaminated by heavy metals, bacterial pathogens and antibiotic resistant genes. Dr. Cai has published more than 100 journal papers, most of which are in mainstream soil and environmental science journals including Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Microbial Ecology, European Journals of Soil Science. Dr. Cai has also been actively collaborating with colleagues from different disciplines as evidenced by a number of papers published in multidisciplinary journals such as npj Biofilms and Microbiome, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Applied Clay Science. Dr. Cai teaches and/or coordinates courses on Soil Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology for both undergraduate and graduate students.
2002-2007 Ph.D. Soil Biochemistry, College of Resources and Environment, HZAU
Dissertation Title: Mechanisms of extracellular DNA binding and natural transformation in soils
Dissertation Advisor: Qiaoyun Huang
1998-2002 B.S. Soil Science, College of Resources and Environment, HZAU
2018-2019: Senior Visiting Scholar of College of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Mentor: Patricia Holden)
2013-Present: Full Professor of College of Resources and Environment, HZAU
2011-2012: Postdoctoral Fellow of Department of Chemical and Engineering, University
of California, Riverside, USA (Advisor: Sharon L. Walker)
2009-2012: Associate Professor of College of Resources and Environment, HZAU
2007-2009: Assistant Professor of College of Resources and Environment, HZAU
2019 Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship, UK
2017 Yangtze River Youth Scholar, Ministry of Education, China
2015 Outstanding Youth Scholar, National Natural Science Foundation of China
2014 Youth Award, Hubei Province, China
2013 Wolf Vishniac Memorial Award, Interactional Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry
2013 Outstanding Youth Scholar, Organization Department of the Central Committee, China
2013 Certificate of Appreciation for Valuable Contribution from ACS
2011 New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education, China
2010 Outstanding Youth Scholar, Soil Science Society of China
2010 Outstanding Youth Post Expert, HZAU
2009 Author of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Ministry of Education, China
2009 Third Prize for Teaching, HZAU
2009 Advisor of the Excellent Bachelor’s Dissertation, Hubei Province, China
2008 Author of the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Hubei Province, China
2007 Technology Innovation Awards, HZAU
Subject Editor, Journal of Soils and Sediments 2018-present
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Frontiers in Microbiology 2015-present
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Soil Ecology Letters 2018-present
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and
Environment 2015-present
Committee of the Chinese Society of Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2012-present
Reviewer for journals including (> 300 times for about 30 journals, since 2007)
Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Science: Nano, Environmental Microbiology, Water Research, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chemosphere, Biodegradation, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, npj Biofilms and Microbiome, Geobiology, Scientific Reports, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Frontiers in Microbiology, Journal of soils and sediments, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Applied Clay Science, RSC Advances, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Geology
Soil Science, 2017, China Agriculture Press, Associate editor
1. 2019-2021 Extracellular polymeric substances binding and stability mechanisms on soil iron (hydr)oxides. Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship. (Co-PI, Euro110, 000 plus RMB 500,000 )
2. 2019-2022 Bacterial extracellular polymeric substances interactions with soil active particles control soil micro-aggregate formation mechanisms. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (PI, RMB 800,000)
3. 2016-2018 Soil Biofilms and environment. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (PI, RMB 1,500,000)
4. 2016-2020 Bacterial pathogens survival mechanisms in soils. National Key Scientific Research Project of China. (PI, RMB 3,000,000)
5. 2017-2019 Soil biofilm and horizontal gene transfer. HZAU (PI, RMB 500,000)
6. 2014-2016 Soil biological pollution and control. HZAU (PI, RMB 300,000)
7. 2013-2015 Biogeochemical interfaces in soil. Organization Department of the Central Committee. (PI, RMB 2,400,000)
8. 2012-2015 Interaction mechanisms between bacterial pathogens and soil active particles. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (PI, RMB 650,000)
9. 2012-2014 Interfacial behavior of heavy metals on bacteria-clay composites. New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education (PI, RMB 500,000)
10. 2011-2013 Microbial extracellular polymeric substances chemistry. A Foundation for the Excellent Youth Scholars of State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology. (PI, RMB 300,000)
11. 2010-2014 Interactions of pathogenic microorganisms with soil active particles and their influences on microbial transport in soil environments. A Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China. (PI, RMB 680,000)
12. 2010-2012 Remediation of pathogen-polluted soils by combining physical, chemical and biological methods. National High Technology Research and Development Program of China. (PI of sub-project, RMB 200,000)
13. 2009-2011 Interaction mechanisms of extracellular polymeric substances extracted from bacteria with soil colloids and minerals. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (PI, RMB 200,000)
14. 2009-2011 Thermodynamic studies on heavy metal adsorption on extracellular polymeric substances from soil bacteria. Ministry of Education of China. (PI, RMB 36,000)
1. 2018.8.19-23 The 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, USA. (Oral presentation)
2. 2018.8.12-17 Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, MA, USA. (poster)
3. 2018.5.24-25 Soil Journals Editors Workshop, Changsha, China. (Invited talk)
4. 2017.10.15-19 The 2nd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference (GSBC2), Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)
5. 2017.6.30-7.4 The 33rd International conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH 2017), Guangzhou, China. (Invited talk)
6. 2014.6.8-13 The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, Korea. (Oral presentation)
7. 2013.12.5-8 International Workshop on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Xiamen, China.
8. 2013.10.13-18 The 21st International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Wuhan, China. (Oral presentation)
9. 2013.8.16-18 The Academic Symposium of Soil Chemistry Division of Soil Science Society of China. Fuzhou, China. (Oral presentation)
10. 2013.7.23-26 The 13th Academic Symposium on Soil Science for China Youth. Shengyang, China. (Invited talk)
PUBLICATIONS: (*Corresponding Author)
The total publications are 90, Times cited 2011, H index 27 (as of 17/4/2019 on web of science). Peer reviewed papers as first author or corresponding author are 38.
1. Chun-Hui Gao, Ming Zhang, Yichao Wu, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Divergent influence to a pathogen invader by resident bacteria with different social interactions. Microbial Ecology. 2019, 77, 76-86.
2. Peng Cai?, Di Lin, Caroline L. Peacock, Wanxi Peng, Qiaoyun Huang. EPS adsorption to goethite: Molecular level adsorption mechanisms using 2D correlation spectroscopy. Chemical Geology. 2018, 494, 127-135.
3. Peng Cai*, Xing Liu, Dandan Ji, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang. Impact of soil clay minerals on growth, biofilm formation, and virulence of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 243, 953-960.
4. Di Lin, Peng Cai?, Caroline L. Peacock, Yichao Wu, Chunhui Gao, Wanxi Peng, Qiaoyun Huang, Wei Liang. Towards a better understanding of the aggregation mechanisms of iron(hydr)oxide nanoparticles interacting with extracellular polymeric substances: Role of pH and electrolyte solution. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 645, 372–379.
5. Yichao Wu, Xinxin Jing, Chunhui, Gao, Qiaoyun, Huang, Peng Cai*. Recent advances in microbial electrochemical system for soil bioremediation. Chemosphere. 2018, 211, 156-163.
6. Ming Liu, Shanshan Yang, Chengkun Zheng, Xuesong Luo, Weicheng Bei, Peng Cai*. Binding to type I collagen is essential for the infectivity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus to host cells. Cellular Microbiology. 2018, 20, e12856.
7. Kai Ouyang, Sharon L. Walker, Xiao-Ying Yu, Chun-Hui Gao, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Cellular Responses of Pseudomonas putida to Hematite Nanoparticles Mediated by Surface-Bound Humic Acid. Environmental Science: Nano. 2018, 5, 682-695.
8. Kai Ouyang, Xiao-Ying Yu, Yunlin Zhu, Chunhui Gao, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Effects of humic acid on the interactions between zinc oxide nanoparticles and bacterial biofilms. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231: 1104-1111.
9. Di Lin, S. Drew Story, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Wei Liang, Peng Cai*. Role of pH and ionic strength in the aggregation of TiO2 nanoparticles in the presence of extracellular polymeric substances from Bacillus subtilis. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 228: 35-42.
10. Wenting Ma, Donghai Peng, Sharon L. Walker, Bin Cao, Chun-Hui Gao, Qiaoyun Huang and Peng Cai*. Bacillus subtilis biofilm development in the presence of soil clay minerals and iron oxides. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2017) 3:4; doi:10.1038/s41522-017-0013-6
11. Kai Ouyang, Ke Dai, Hao Chen, Qiaoyun Huang, Chunhui Gao, Peng Cai*. Metal-free inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by fullerene/C3N4 hybrid under visible light irradiation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 136, 40-45.
12. Di Lin, S. Drew Story, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on the aggregation kinetics of TiO2 nanoparticles. Water Research, 2016, 104, 381-388.
13. Kai Ouyang1, Ke Dai1, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Xixiang Yin, Peng Cai*. Efficient photocatalytic disinfection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 using C70-TiO2 hybrid under visible light irradiation. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 25702.
14. Di Lin, Wenting Ma, Zhaoxia Jin, Yixuan Wang, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Interactions of EPS with soil minerals: A combination study by ITC and CLSM. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016, 138: 10-16.
15. Xing Liu, Wenqiang Zhao, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Relative Attachment Behaviors of Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Escherichia coli to Soil Particles: Influence of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties. Geomicrobiology Journal. 2015, 32, 594-601.
16. Wenqiang Zhao, Shanshan Yang, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Bacterial cell surface properties: Role of loosely bound extracellularpolymeric substances (LB-EPS). Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 128 (2015) 600–607
17. Wenqiang Zhao, Xing Liu, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. 2015. Streptococcus suis sorption on agricultural soils: Role of soil physic-chemical properties. Chemosphere, 119, 52-58.
18. Wenqiang Zhao, Sharon L.Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. Contrasting effects of extracellular polymeric substances on the surface characteristics of bacterial pathogens and cell attachment to soil particles. Chemical Geology 410 (2015) 79–88.
19. Linchuan Fang, Shanshan Yang, Qiaoyun Huang, Aifang Xue, Peng Cai*. 2014. Biosorption mechanisms of Cu(II) by extracellular polymeric substances from Bacillus subtilis. Chemical Geology. 386, 143-151.
20. Wenqiang Zhao, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai*. 2014. Adhesion of bacterial pathogens to soil colloidal particles: Influences of cell type, natural organic matter, and solution chemistry. Water Research. 53, 35-46.