Name:LI Fa-dong
Department: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Post Code: 100101
Discipline: Biology
Research Interests: Ecology
Address: No.11A, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Research Areas
1. Hydrogeochemistry and stable isotope hydrology. Combining stable isotopes (Oxygen-18 and Deuterium, nitrogen and carbon isotope), water chemistry, groundwater age dating methods (CFCs, 3H, 14C and so on), to identify hydrological processes and nutrient cycle of agroecosystem.
2. Based on long-term observation at Shandong Yucheng Agro-Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station such as Eddy covariance system, Green House Gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) emission, soil microbiology, to understand the interaction between water and energy, carbon and nitrogen in agroecosystem and mechanism.
3. Survey the surface water, ground water and soil profiles in large scale, measure the water quality, trace elements, organic pollutants such as pesticide and herbicide, to assess the environmental effect of agroecosystem.
4. Hydrology, environment, and ecosystem changes in the Yellow River Delta, the processes and mechanism. Interaction of land-delta-ocean, fresh water-groundwater-sea water, agroecosystem- wetland-coastal zone.
5. Spatial distribution of agro-ecosystem and its relationship with food security in China, Africa, and central Asia.
Work Experience
Jan. 2010 to current:
Professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor at Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Excutive director of Yucheng Comprehensive Experiment Station, CAS.
Oct. 2005 to Dec. 2010: Chiba University, researcher, hydrogeochemistry
Jul. 1996 to Sep. 2005: Shijiazhuang Institute of Agricultural Modernization, CAS, current named The Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of CAS, researcher. hydrology, ecology
Teaching Experience
2016 to current: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2014 to current: Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences
2017-05-22 attached middle school of Peking University, wetland study
2017-05-19, Shijiazhuang University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China, Nitrogen and heavy metal movements and their pollution in agro-ecosystem
2017-04-25, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Importance of measurement on delt 18 Oxygen of CO2 emissing from soil
Research Interest
Agro-ecosystem processes
Water, Carbon, Nitrogen Cycles
Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Environment
Eco-hydrology and water environment
Isotopic hydrology
Surface-ground water interaction
Food security
Sep. 2002 - Jun. 2005: PhD, Physical Geography (Hydrology), Graduate School of CAS & Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS (Beijing)
Sep. 1999 - Jul. 2002: MSc., Hydro-Ecology, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (Beijing) & Shijiazhuang Institute of Agricultural Modernization, CAS (Shijiazhuang)
Sep. 1992 - Jul. 1996: BSc., Department of Agrometeorology, China Agricultural University (Beijing)
Honors and Awards
100-telant of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhao, X., et al. (2018). "Stable isotope evidences for identifying crop water uptake in a typical winter wheat-summer maize rotation field in the North China Plain." Sci Total Environ 618: 121-131.
Zhao Xin, Li Fadong*. Isotope evidence for quantifying river evaporation and recharge processes in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2017;76:123.
Tu Chun, Li Fadong*. Responses of greenhouse gas fluxes to experimental warming in wheat season under conventional tillage and no-tillage fields. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016;
Tu Chun, Li Fadong*, Qiao Yunfeng, Zhu Nong, Gu Congke, Zhao Xin. Effect of experimental warming on soil respiration under conventional tillage and no-tillage farmland in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2016; 15(1): 60345-7.
Liu Qiang, Li Fadong*, Li Jing, Luo Bin, Huang Chong. Geochemical and isotopic evidence of shallow groundwater salinization in a reclaimed coastal zone: the Yellow River Delta, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016; 75:1107.
Li Jing, Chen Chunli, Li Fadong*. Status of POPs accumulation in the Yellow River Delta: From distribution to risk assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2016; 107: 370-378.
Zhang Yan, Li Fadong*, Li Jing, Liu Qiang, Tu Chun, Suzuki Yoshimi, Huang Chong. Spatial distribution, potential sources, and risk assessment of trace metals of groundwater in the north china plain. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2015;21(3):726-743.
Zhang Yan, Li Fadong*, Zhang Qiuying, Li Jing, Liu Qiang. Tracing nitrate pollution sources and transformation in surface- and ground-waters using environmental isotopes. The Science of the total environment. 2014;490:213-222.
Liu Qiang, Li Fadong*, Zhang Qiuying, Li Jing, Zhang Yan, Tu Chun, Ouyang Zhu. Impact of water diversion on the hydrogeochemical characterization of surface water and groundwater in the yellow river delta. Applied Geochemistry. 2014;48:83-92.
Li Jing, Li Fadong*, Liu Qiang, Zhang Yan, Zhao Guangshuai, Ouyang Zhu. Influence of long-term fertilization on crop production and soil quality of a recent alluvial soil. Agronomy Journal. 2014;106(1):143-150.
Li Jing, Li Fadong*, Liu Qiang, Zhang Yan. Trace metal in surface water and groundwater and its transfer in a yellow river alluvial fan: Evidence from isotopes and hydrochemistry. Science of the Total Environment. 2014;472:979-988.
Li Jing, Li Fadong*, Liu Qiang, Suzuki Yoshimi. Nitrate pollution and its transfer in surface water and groundwater in irrigated areas: A case study of the piedmont of south taihang mountains, china. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts. 2014;16(12):2764-2773.
Li Jing, Li Fadong*, Liu Qiang, Song Shuai, Zhang Yan, Zhao Guangshuai. Impacts of yellow river irrigation practices on trace metals in surface water: A case study of the henan-liaocheng irrigation area, china. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2014;20(4):1042-1057.