Yindong Tong is an Independent Research Fellow from Tianjin University, which is the oldest institution of higher education in the modern history of China. He received the PhD degree in the major of environmental geography from Peking University in 2014. As a limnologist, Tong’s research mainly focuses on the responses of water chemistry to land use changes in the surrounding catchment and ultimately finds a solution for sustainable management of limited water resources and water quality. Tong works across the major sub-disciplines of the field, from the field monitoring, laboratory experiments to the uses of the process-based or statistical model to improve our understanding about water quality issues in the final. As the first author or corresponding author, Tong has published 27 SCI papers during the past five years on the journals such as Nature Geoscience (cover article), PNAS, ES&T, Water Research and J. Hydrol. They have been cited by more than 1000 times by other researchers, with an H-index of 22. He received funding from the NSFC, MOST and MEE in China. The professional ideal of Tong is to help the fish live happily in all the rivers and lakes, as what he had seen when he was 5 years old.