Typical models and developmental suggestions for eco-agricultural practices in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, China
Received:June 22, 2022  
中文关键词: 生态农业,中国重要农业文化遗产,农业绿色发展,休闲农业,德清淡水珍珠传统养殖与利用系统
英文关键词: eco-agriculture, China Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(China-NIAHS), green development of agriculture, agritourism, Deqing Traditional Freshwater Pearl Culture and Utilization System
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YANG Lun Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China  
MIN Qingwen Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 
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      Eco-agriculture focuses on the green development of agriculture and it is an essential part of agricultural development in China and worldwide. As part of the first batch of national eco-agriculture construction pilot counties and one of the China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(China-NIAHS)sites,Deqing County occupies a vital position in the practice of eco-agriculture in China. Thus, this paper traces the basic history of eco-agricultural practices and summarizes the current typical models of eco-agricultural development in Deqing County. In addition, this paper analyses the core connotations and primary values of the typical models of ecoagriculture in this county. The typical models include the"pearl mussel-fish-grain-mulberry-livestock"complex system, rice field ecological planting and breeding models, aquaponics, and agritourism. Additionally, this paper makes targeted suggestions to promote the sustainable development of eco-agriculture in Deqing County based on current problems and challenges.
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