Effects of Straw Mulching and Vegetative Covering on Soil Salinity Dynamics of Salt Affected Soils in Jiangsu Coastal Region, China
投稿时间:2017-04-29  修订日期:2017-08-02
中文关键词: 滨海盐土,秸秆覆盖,植被覆盖,土壤盐分,脱盐率
英文关键词: coastal saline soil, straw mulching, vegetative covering, soil salinity, desalinization rate
崔士友 江苏沿江地区农科所, 江苏 南通 226541 
张蛟 江苏沿江地区农科所, 江苏 南通 226541 
摘要点击次数: 3560
全文下载次数: 3227
      研究秸秆覆盖和植被(田菁)覆盖条件下滨海盐土土壤水盐的动态变化规律,为沿海滩涂盐碱地脱盐改良提供依据。本研究以含盐量6.98 g·kg-1的滨海盐土为研究对象,设置秸秆覆盖和种植田菁2种覆盖处理,以裸地为对照,研究不同覆盖处理对滨海盐土土壤含水量和土壤盐分动态变化的影响。结果表明:秸秆覆盖下的土壤含水量(27.58%)显著高于田菁覆盖(26.70%)和裸地(26.61%),后两者差异未达显著水平。处理1年后0~20、20~40 cm土层的秸秆覆盖、田菁覆盖和裸地不同处理间土壤含盐量的差异均达显著或极显著水平;秸秆覆盖处理的脱盐率为田菁覆盖处理的2倍。回归分析表明裸地和田菁覆盖下土壤盐分含量与累积降雨量的关系可用二次多项式拟合,田菁覆盖下的淋洗方程(ECa/ECiDw/Ds间的关系)可用三次多项式拟合;而秸秆覆盖条件下土壤盐分含量与累积降雨量的关系、淋洗方程均表现为指数函数关系y=aebxP<0.01)。秸秆覆盖条件下滨海滩涂0~40 cm土层脱盐80%需要386.8 mm的累积降雨量。结果表明秸秆和植被覆盖技术在江苏滨海盐土可获得较好的脱盐效果,具有较好的应用前景。
      The dynamic changes of water and soil salinity in coastal saline soil under the conditions of straw mulching and vegetation covering were investigated in order to provide the basis for soil amelioration in coastal saline soil. Salt content of experimental field plot was 6.98 g·kg-1 soil, straw mulching and vegetative covering(Sesbania cannabina) were designed as two treatments of desalinization measures, while bare saline land as the control, in order to investigate the effects of different mulching/covering treatments on dynamics of soil moisture and salinity of coastal saline soil. The results demonstrated soil moisture under conditions of straw mulching(27.58%) was significantly higher than that under the conditions of vegetative covering(26.70%) and bare land(26.61%), while the difference of soil moisture between vegetative covering and bare land did not reach the significant level. After one year of treatments, soil salinity of straw mulching, Sesbania cannabina covering and bare land in soil depth of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm showed significant or highly significant difference with each other, desalinization rate under straw mulching was two times of that under Sesbania cannabina covering. Regression analysis indicated that the relationship between soil salinity and accumulated rainfall under the conditions of Sesbania cannabina covering and bare land could be fitted by quadratic polynomial, leaching equation(relationship between ECa/ECi and Dw/Ds) under Sesbania cannabina covering could be fitted by cubic polynomial. However, under straw mulching the relationship between soil salinity and accumulated rainfall, and leaching equation could be fitted by exponential function(y=aebx, P<0.01). Based on the calculation by leaching curves under straw mulching, 386.8 mm of accumulative rainfall was required for removing 80% salt from soil depth of 0~40 cm. It was concluded that straw mulching and Sesbania cannabina covering technology could achieve better desalting effect in Jiangsu coastal saline soil, and had a better application prospect.
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