Measurement of Farmland Ecosystem Services Evaluation in Beidaihe District, Hebei Province, China
中文关键词: 农田生态系统,生态系统服务功能,价值测算,北戴河区
英文关键词: farmland ecosystem, ecosystem services, value measure, Beidaihe district
刘小丹 河北环境工程学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066102 
赵忠宝 河北环境工程学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066102 
李克国 河北环境工程学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066102 
摘要点击次数: 3325
全文下载次数: 2721
      农田生态系统是支撑与维持地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分,既具有直接供给农产品功能,又具有调节、支持、文化服务等间接功能。研究选取河北省北戴河区农田生态系统为研究对象,以生态系统服务功能为切入点,运用生态经济学方法,综合测算研究区农田生态系统服务功能价值。研究表明,2014年研究区农田生态系统服务功能所产生的间接价值为直接价值的1.09倍,说明农田生态系统不仅具有高效的、直接的生产功能,而且具有极其重要的生态环境支撑功能。鉴于此在北戴河区农业结构调整过程中,要对其生态系统服务功能给予足够的重视。农田生态系统服务功能的各项指标价值量由大到小排序为农田生产供给价值 > 休闲旅游价值 > 固碳释氧价值 > 废弃物处理价值 > 涵养水源价值 > 社会保障价值 > 土壤形成与保护价值 > 秸秆还田价值 > 净化大气价值。因此,研究认为:北戴河区在加快现代农业园区建设过程中,要大力发展生态休闲农业,全力推进农作物秸秆综合利用,积极发展生态循环农业,合理调整农田利用方式,应注重提高调节、支持、文化服务功能价值,使农田生态系统服务功能价值达到最优化。通过对北戴河区农田生态系统服务功能价值测算,为北戴河区有效保护和永续利用农田生态系统提供决策基础和科学支撑。
      Farmland ecosystem is an important part of supporting and maintaining earth's life systems. It has the direct function value of providing agricultural product as well as the indirect function values of adjustment, support and culture. Chose the Beidaihe district in Hebei Province as the study region, the eco-system service functions were evaluated by ecological economics approach. The results showed that the indirect value was 1.09 times of the value direct in 2014. The farmland ecosystem not only had direct production function, but also had important ecological supporting functions. In the process of agricultural structure adjustment, the indirect functions should be given enough attention. The sort of values were production function > tourism function > carbon sequestration and oxygen release function > dispose of waste function > water conservation function > social security function > soil protection value > straw returning to field function > clean air function. In the process of accelerating the construction of modern agricultural park, vigorously developing ecological leisure agriculture, pushing forward the comprehensive utilization of crop straw, and actively developing ecological cycle of agriculture, the Beidaihe district should rationally adjust the use of farmland and focus on improving the values of indirect services to optimize service values. The study can be used as decision basis and scientific support for effective protection and sustainable utilization of farmland resources.
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