Study on composition and utilization potential of waste from planting and breeding in Shanxi Province, China
中文关键词: 种养废弃物,山西省,变化特征,空间分布,资源潜力
英文关键词: planting and breeding waste, Shanxi Province, change characteristic, spatial distribution, resource potential
杜艳玲 山西大学生物工程学院, 太原 030006  
周怀平 山西省农业科学院农业环境与资源研究所, 太原 030031 huaipingzhou@126.com 
程曼 山西省农业科学院农业环境与资源研究所, 太原 030031  
解文艳 山西省农业科学院农业环境与资源研究所, 太原 030031  
杨振兴 山西省农业科学院农业环境与资源研究所, 太原 030031  
郭晋 山西大学生物工程学院, 太原 030006  
吕倩倩 山西大学生物工程学院, 太原 030006  
王志伟 山西省气候中心, 太原 030032  
摘要点击次数: 2360
全文下载次数: 2412
      为实现种养废弃物的高效利用,通过文献查阅、实地调研等方式对山西省种养废弃物资源量、利用现状进行了调查,估算出主要的农作物秸秆和畜禽粪尿的资源量,分析其在市域尺度上的分布特征、资源化利用潜力及综合高效利用的途径。结果表明,晋南地区存在大量小麦秸秆,其他地区均以玉米秸秆为主。畜禽粪尿中以牛、猪、羊粪尿居多,且存在晋西北多羊、北中部多牛、晋东南多猪的分布格局。2007—2015年山西省农作物秸秆产量由1.27×107 t增加到1.54×107 t,畜禽粪尿的产生量由1.82×107 t增加到2.02×107 t,且山西省种养废弃物的总产量近几年逐渐趋于稳定。若将山西省种养废弃物肥料化,其相当于有机质、N、P、K分别为1.54×107、1.25×105、5.28×104、1.04×105 t,若将其能源化则可转化为标准煤1.05×107 t或沼气4.59×109 m3,资源化潜力巨大。研究表明,山西省种养废弃物资源种类多、数量大,地域性差异大,资源化利用的空间较大,应力争通过肥料化、能源化、饲料化及其他利用途径,实现种养废弃物资源的多途径综合高效利用。
      In order to improve the utilization efficiency of the waste from planting and breeding, through reviewing literature and field survey we knew about the number and present situation of the utilization of the waste in Shanxi Province and assessed the characteristics of quantity and spatial distribution on regional scale. Besides, we used the investigation to analyze the potential on the resource utilization and comprehensive utilization efficient way. Results showed that there were large quantities of straws of wheat in the south of Shanxi Province, and in the other regions corn straws played the most important situation. Livestock poultry dung was mostly from cattle, pigs and sheep, and it distributed as most of sheep in the northwestern, cattle in this north center, and pigs in the southeast. During 2007-2015, the crops straw produced from 1.27×107 t to 1.54×107 t, and the dung output of livestock and poultry came from 1.82×107 t to 2.02×107 t, and it showed a relatively stabilized tendency in recent years. If the waste from planting and breeding was converted into fertilizer we could get organic matter, N, P, K, respectively 1.54×107,1.25×105, 5.28×104, 1.04×105 t, and if energy-oriented we could get 1.05×107 t standard coal, or 4.59×109 m3 biogas. Therefore, the waste was diverse and numerous in Shanxi Province, and it had its own spatial distribution in each area. Besides, it had greater potential of resource. We should try our best to convert waste into fertilizer, energy, feed and other utilization ways in order to achieve a high efficient, comprehensive and integrated utilization. Based on the study, scientific and feasible guidance for Shanxi Province was put forward to realize a more efficient and sustainable utilization of waste from planting and breeding.
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